شیخ نور الحق محدث دہلوی بحیثیت شارح ِحدیث
Sheikh Noor-ul-Haq Muhaddith Dehlvī as an Interpreter of Ḥadīth
Sheikh Noor-ul-Haq, Ḥadīth, InterpretationAbstract
Sheikh Noor-ul-Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi belongs to a famous religious family of subcontinent. Among his creed, there were great scholars and Muhadditheen. They took significant role in thw field f Hadith-e-Nabwi (S.A.W). Taiseer-ul-Qari Sharha Bukhari in Persian language is one of the major works of Sheikh Noor-ul-Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi. This article throws light on the methodology of the writer in this book. Among some major characteristics of his methodology is that the writer interprets the Hadith with the help of Quran, Hadith, History & Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), Sayings of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and Muhadditheen.
(1) Munshi Barkat Ali, Mirat-ul-haqaiq (Rampur: Azizi Publisher), 38.
(2) Dr. Muhammmad Aasim, Hayat o Khidmat Muhaddiseen izam (Nooria Rizvia publications Lahore), 638.
(3) Sheikh Noor-ul-haq Dehlvi, Quran-ul-Saadain, National commette for Seven Hundred Years Ameer Khusro-1.
(4) Ahmad Nizami, Hayat Sheikh Abd-ul-haq Khaleeq (Lahore: Maktaba Rehmania), 248.
(5) Ahmad, 248.
(6) Ghulam Ali Azad Balgrami, Maasir-ul-kiraam (Hyderabad: Aasfia Book Centre,1913), 1:201.
(7) Ahmad, 248.
(8) Ghulam Ali, 1:49.
(9) Ayub Qadri, trans Farhat-ul-Nazireen, (Karachi: Acadmi of Education Research), 67.
(10) Rehman Ali Nami, Tazkarah Ulama-i-Hind (Nolakshore: Munshi), 247.
(11) Ahmad, 249.
(12) Ghulam Ali, 1:201.
(13) Syed Ahmad Qadri, Tazkira Sheikh Abd-ul-Haq, (Patna 6:Shad Book Depot), 218.
(14) Syed Abu-ul-Hassan Nadvi, Tareekh Dawat o Azeemat (Karachi: Majlish Nashriat-i-Islam,), 5:181.
(15) Faqeer Muhammad Jhelumi, Hadaiq-ul-Hanfia (Lahore: Almizaan Book Printers), 438.
(16) Ahmad, 251.
(17) Sheikh Abd-ul-Haq, Topic Research Dr. M. Younas Qadri (Maktaba Al-Haq), 112.
(18) Aasim, 638.
(19) Sheikh Noor-ul-Haq Dehlvi, Taiseer-ul-Qari Sharah Sahih Bukhari, 1:2.
(20) Noor-ul-Haq, 3:81.
(21) Noor-ul-Haq, 3:331.
(22) Noor-ul-Haq, 1:26.
(23) Noor-ul-Haq, 1:44.
(24) Noor-ul-Haq, 1:61.
(25) Noor-ul-Haq, 1:68.
(26) Noor-ul-Haq, 1:289.
(27) Noor-ul-Haq, 1:189.
(28) Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal, Musnad Ahmad Bin Hambal, 42:22.
(29) Noor-ul-Haq, 4:76.
(30) Noor-ul-Haq, 4:69.
(31) Abu Bin Masood Kasani, Badai-ul-Sanai (Quetta: Maktaba Rasheedia), 1:612.
(32) Muhammad Bin Ishaq Muttalabi, Serat Ibn-i-Ishaq (Bairoot: Dar-ul-Fikr), 1:25.
(33) Noor-ul-Haq, 2:93.
(34) Muhammad Bin Saad, Tabqat Ibn-I-Saad (Taaif: Maktba Al-Siddique), 1:476.
(35) Noor-ul-Haq, 4:59.
(36) Noor-ul-Haq, 4:59.
(37) Noor-ul-Haq, 4:59.
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