رشید رضا بین الانتقاد والانخراط فی الاسرائیلیات:دراسة تحلیلية فی ضوء تفسیر المنار

Rashīd Ridā between criticism and engagement in Isrāīliyāt: An Analytical Study in the light of Tafsīr al-Manār



Rashīd Ridā, Tafsīr al-Manār, Isrāīliyāt


This paper studies the behavior of renowned Egyptian commentator of the Quran Rashīd Ridā regarding Isrāīliyāt (Judo-Biblical mythology) in his Tafsīr al-Manār. It finds that Rashīd Ridā criticizes Isrāīliyāt and condemns the Muslim scholars who have mentioned Isrāīliyāt in their books. He is so harsh in this regard that he did not even exonerate the companions of the Prophet and their successors. But while engaging in his own Tafsīr he himself doesn’t avoid mentioning and coping events and stories from Isrāīliyā. The article provides comprehensive examples on Rashīd Ridā’s mentioned eccentric position.



How to Cite

Aziz Ahmad, and Shah Room Bacha. 2020. “رشید رضا بین الانتقاد والانخراط فی الاسرائیلیات:دراسة تحلیلية فی ضوء تفسیر المنار: Rashīd Ridā Between Criticism and Engagement in Isrāīliyāt: An Analytical Study in the Light of Tafsīr Al-Manār”. Al-Qamar 3 (1):37-44. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/97.


