اختلاف الحدیث" میں امام شافعی کے اصولِ رفعِ تعارض: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ "

A Study of Imam Shāfʻi's Principles of Disagreement in "Ikhtilāl al-Ḥadīth”


  • Muhammad Sana Ullah PhD Scholar Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore, Lahore
  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Shabbir Assistant Professor of Islamic studies, The university of Lahore, Lahore


Imam Shafi, Hadiths, contradictions of hadiths, Ikhtilaf ul-Hadith, abrogation


The art of Mukhtalif al-hadiths has a special importance in the sciences of hadith. Different scholars of art played their role in the promotion of this art and formulated principles and rules to remove the contradictions of hadiths. In the light of which, it was helpful to remove the contradictions of hadiths and to accept and reject them. Among these great personalities, the first name is that of Imam Muhammad bin Idris Al-Shafa'i, may God bless him and grant him peace. Imam Shafi'i has the status of inventor in the art of Mukhtalif ul hadiths. His great masterpiece on this art is his famous work "Ikhtilaf ul-Hadith". This is the book thanks to which you introduced this knowledge and its rules and regulations as an art to the scholars, commentators and mujtahidins. "Ikhtilaf ul-Hadith"is not only the first book to be written in this art, but it is also a permanent book in the explanation of the principle of hadith. The uniqueness of this book includes the fact that this book is as its name. This means that just as Imam Shafi'i named it "Ikhtilaf ul-Hadith"in the same way he collected material in it according to this name.There are total 79 chapters in this book of Imam Shafi'i. The order of which is contrary to the order of the chapters of jurisprudence books. In the chapters of this book, Imam Shafi'i has sometimes considered the term of jurisprudence and the principle of jurisprudence. Imam Shafi'i has not mentioned only two conflicting hadiths in each chapter, but has mentioned all the hadiths related to these chapters which seem to contradict each other in some way or the other. Further, all the evidences related to these hadiths have also been mentioned. Since Imam Shafi'i collected a collection of conflicting hadiths in this book. Imam Shafi'i formulated three basic rules to remove the mutual contradictions of the hadiths in this book. Among which the first rule is implementation, the second rule is abrogation, while the third rule is priority. Therefore, in the light of these rules, Imam Shafi's attempt to resolve the conflict has been reviewed.


۔ Al Johari, Abu Nasar Ismail bin Hamad, Asiha Taj-ul-lughah wa Siha al arabiya lil Farabi, (Beirūt: Dār al-Ilam lil-Malayeen), 3:1199.

۔Surah Al-Qiyamah, Verse:3.

۔ Az-Zamakhshari, Abu-ul-Qasim Mahmood bin Aamar bin Ahmad, Alkashaf un Haqaiq Ghawamiz al-Tanzeel, (Dar-ul-Kutab Al-Arabi), 4:659.

۔Al-Tabri, Muhammad Bin Jareer Bin Yazeed, Jamih al-Bayan Fi Taweel al-Quran,(Dar-e-Hijar), vol:24, p:50.

۔Ash-Shafi, Abu Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Idrees, Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, (Beirūt: Dār al-Marafah), P677.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P677.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P677.

۔ Allamah Abdusstar Saeedi, Taaleem Al-Mantiq, (Lahore: Markazi Office tanzeem al-Madaris), P52.

۔ Usama bn Abdullah Khayat, Mukhtalif-Al-Hadith wal-Asooliyeen al-Fuqaha, (Dar-e-Ibn-e-Hazam), p159.

۔ Mukhtalif-Al-Hadith wal-Asooliyeen al-Fuqaha, p159.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P677.

۔ Al-Aamdi, Abu Al-Hussan syed-al-din Ali, Alahkam fi Asool-al-ahkam,(Beirūt: Dar-al-Afaq al Jadidah), 3:102.

۔ Al-Muojam al Waseet, (Lahore: Maktabah Rahmaniyah), p1142.

۔Ash-Shoqani, Muhammmad bin Ali bin Muhammad, Irshad al-Fahool ala Tahqiq al Haq Min Ilm al-Asool, (Dar-al-Kitab Al Arabi), 2:49.

۔ Al-Ghizali, Abu Hamid Muhammad Bin Muhammad, Al-Mustasfa, (Dar-al-Kutab Al-Ilmiyah), P:86.

۔Al-Mutamid Fi Asool al-Fiqah, P:364.

۔Surah Al-Baqarah, V:106.

۔Jamea Al-Bayan Fi Taweel Al-Quran, 2:472.

۔ Al-Kashaf un-Haqaiq Ghawamiz al-Tanzeel, 1:176.

۔ Surah Al-Hajj, V:52.

۔ Al-Kashaf un-Haqaiq Ghawamiz al-Tanzeel Lil Zamakhshari, 3:165.

۔ Qazi Ayaz Bin Musa, Al-Shifa be-Taareef Haqooq Al-Mustafa, (Uman: Dar-Al-Fiha), 2:293.

۔ Surah Al-Jasiyah, V:29.

۔Jamih Al-Bayan Fi Taweel Al-Quran Lil-Tabri, 22:84.

۔ Al-Kashaf un-Haqaiq Ghawamiz al-Tanzeel Lil Zamakhshari, 4:293.

۔ Muqadmah Ibn-Al-Salah, (Beirūt: Dar-Al-Fikar Al-Moaasir), P:277.

۔ Fatih Al-Mughis be-Sharah Alfiya-tul-Hadith Lil Iraqi, (Eygept: Maktabah Al-Sannah), 4:48.

۔ Abdul-Aziz Bin Ahmad Bin Muhammad, Kashaf Al-Israr Sharah Asool Al-Bazdavi, (Dar-Al-Kitab Al-Islami), 3:156.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:640.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:640.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:640.

۔ Ibn-e-Manzūr al-Afrīqī, Lisān al-‘Arab (Berot: Dar-e-Sadir), 2: 445.

۔ Al Johari, Abu Nasar Ismail bin Hamad, Muntkhib Min Siha aljohari, 1/1802.

۔ Shamash-ud-Din Muhammad bin Muhammad, Al-Taqreer wa-Tahbir al-Tahreer al kamal(Dar-ul-Kutab al Ilmiya), 3/17.

۔Al Ahkam fi Asool Al Ahkam lil Aamdi, 4:239.

۔ Nihayat-ul-Sool Sharah Minhaj-ul-Wasool lil Asnavi, 1:374.

۔ Nihayat-ul-Sool Sharah Minhaj-ul-Wasool lil Asnavi, 1:374.

۔ Abu Bakar Muhammad Bin Mosa, Al Iatibar fi alnasikh wal Mansookh min alasaar, (Dakkan, Hadar Abad: Dairah Al- Muaarif Al-Usmaniya), p22.

۔ Abu Al-Fazal Zain Al-Din Abur-Rahman, Al-Taqyeed Wal-Aizah Sharah Muqadnah Ibn -e-Al-Salah, (Al-Maktabah Al-Salfiya Bil-Madinah), 1:289.

۔Al-Nowavi, Tadreeb Al-Rawi Fi Sharha Taqreeb Al-Nowavi, (Dar-e-Tayyabah), 2:655.

۔Muhammad Jamal -Al-Din Bin Muhammad, Qawaid Al-Tahdith Min Fanoon Mustalah Al-Hadith, (Beirūt, Lubnan: Dar-Al-Kutab Al-Ilmiyah) P, 313.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:633.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:633.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:633.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:633.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:633.

۔ Surah Al-Baqrah, V:238.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:633.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:633.ا

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:677.

۔ Ikhtalaf Al-Hadith, lil-Shafei, P:640.



How to Cite

Muhammad Sana Ullah, and Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Shabbir. 2020. “اختلاف الحدیث" میں امام شافعی کے اصولِ رفعِ تعارض: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ ": A Study of Imam Shāfʻi’s Principles of Disagreement in "Ikhtilāl Al-Ḥadīth” ”. Al-Qamar 3 (1):531-48. https://alqamarjournal.com/index.php/alqamar/article/view/1038.


