کمالِ انسانیت : محبت و احترام ِ انسانیت سے متعلق خصائص کا سیرت النبی ﷺ کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ
The Perfection of Humanity: A Study of the Traits Related to Love and Respect for Humanity in the Context of the Prophetic Sīra
Accomplishment of Mankind, Dignity, Glory, Vicegerency, moral valuesAbstract
Man is a beautiful masterpiece of nature. By dint of his best fashion, having dignity and glory, blessed with reason and intellect, universe submitting to him, heir of knowledge and intuition and deserves vicegerency of Allah due to his service to mankind. Due to dignity and honor, sanctity of life, property and honor granted to him. Even the dignity if the blood of a believer is greater than the dignity of Kaaba. God created him, breathed into him His Spirit and gave him reason and logic. The secret of human dignity and superiority lies in the fact that he loves mankind and this love is also reciprocated by Allah. The key to success in all works of life is to respect and favor humankind. Security of human life, wealth and honor, proximity to God, salvation in the Afterlife, promotion of science and arts, nurturing and inculcating high moral values are not possible without establishing peace. It is indispensable to ensure non-violence, dignity of human life and love for all fellow human beings to make this world a center of love and peace.
Al-Hindi, ‘Ala al-Din ‘Ali ibn ‘Abd-al-Malik Husam al-Din al-Muttaqi (975 AH), Kanz al-Ummal, Musisat al-Resalt, Beirut:1401 AH/1981 AD, Hadith Number: 44154.
Al-Rum: 30:54.
Al-Tin: 95:4.
Bani Israel: 17:70.
Dr, Muhammad Iqbal, “Israr-e-Khudi”.
Dr, Muhammad Iqbal, “Payaam-e-Mashriq”.
Bani Israel: 17:70.
Hujarat: 49:13.
Hujarat: 49: 11
Al-Jathiyah: 45:13.
Khan, Maulana Wahiduddin, Tazkeer al-Qur'an, Fazli Sons, Karachi, Bani Israel: 70.
Ibrahim: 14:34.
At-Tirmidhī, Abū ʿĪsā Muḥammad ibn ʿĪsā (209-279 AH), Al-Jāmiʿ, Shirkat Maktaba wa Matabata Mustafa al-Babi al-Halabi, Egypt: 1395 AH, Chapters in Tafsir al-Qur’an, Number of Hadith: 3270.
Aṣbaḥī, Mālik bin Anas bin Mālik (179 AH), The Muwaṭṭaʾ, Musisat Zayd bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, Emirates: 1425 AH, Number of Hadith: 3357.
Bukhāri, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Isma'il (194-256 AH), Al-Jami al-Sahih, Kitab al-Manaqib, Dar Tawq al-Najat Beirut: 1422 AH, Hadith Number: 3560.
At-Tirmidhi, Al-Jāmiʿ, Number of Hadith: 2839.
Dhahbi, Shams al-Din Abu Abd Allah Muhammad bin Ahmad (673-748 AH), Seer Al-Alam al-Nabalah, Dar al-Hadith Cairo: 1427 AH, Chapter Hassan Ibn Ali, p: 328/4.
Asbahani, Abu Na'eem Ahmad bin Abdullah (336-430 AH), Ma'rifah al-Sahaba, Dar Al-Watan for publishing, Riyadh: 1419 AH, p: 3/1198. Ibn Abd al-Barr, Abu Umar Yusuf bin Abd Allah Nimri (368-463 AH), al-Istiyab fi Marafah al-Sahhab, Dar al-Jail, Beirut: 1412 AH, pp. 2/559.
Al-Bukhari, Al-Jami’ al-Sahih, Kitab Al-Maghazi, Chapter Wafd Bani Hanifah, Number of Hadith: 4372. Abu Al-Hasan Muslim Ibn Al-Hajjaj Qashiri (204-261 AH), Al-Jaami al-Sahih, Dar Ihyaya al-Trath al-Arabi, Beirut, Kitab al-Jihad wa al-Seer, Number of Hadith: 1764.
Al-Bukhari, Al-Jaami al-Sahih, Kitab Al-Janaiz, Number of Hadith: 1312.
At-Tirmidhī, Al-Jāmiʿ, Chapters of Al-Barr and Silat, Number of Hadith: 1919. Ibn Hanbal, Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad (164-241 AH), Al-Musnad, Mussitat al-Rasalat, Beirut: 1421 AH, Musnad Abdullah bin Amr, Number of Hadith: 6733.
Al-Bukhari, Al-Jama’i al-Sahih, Kitab al-Adab, Number of Hadith: 6019. Muslim, Al-Jama'i al-Sahih, Number of Hadith: 47.
Neshapuri, Abu Abdullah al-Hakim Muhammad bin Abdullah (321-405 AH), al-Mustadrik Ali al-Sahiheen, Dar al-Kitab Ulamiyyah, Beirut: 1411 AH, Kitab al-albar wal-silat, and the hadith of Abdullah Ibn Amr, hadith number: 7310. Nasa’i, Abu Abd al-Rahman Ahmad bin Shuaib (215-303 AH), Sunan al-Kubra, Al-Rasalat Institute, Beirut:1421 AH, Kitab Al-Qadaa, Number of Hadith: 5928.
At-Tirmidhī, Al-Jāmiʿ, Chapters of Faith, Number of Hadith: 2627. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Al-Masnad, Musnad Abi Hurairah, Number of Hadith: 8931.
Mosuli, Abu Ya'ali Ahmad bin Ali (211-307 AH), Al-Musnad, Dar Al-Ma'mun for Tradition, Damascus, Al-Tabbat al-Awli: 1404 AH, Musnad Thabit Al-Banani by Anas, Hadith Number: 3315.
Tahawi, Abu Ja'far Ahmad bin Muhammad (238-321 AH), Sharh Ma'ani al-Aasaar, Aalam al-Kitab, Beirut: 1414 AH, Kitab al-Sir, Number of Hadith: 5454.
Al-Bukhari, Al-Jaami al-Sahih, Kitab al-Iman, Number of Hadith: 48. Muslim, Al-Jami’ al-Sahih, Kitab al-Iman, Number of Hadith: 64.
Al-Bukhari, Al-Jaami al-Sahih, Kitab al-Ilam, Number of Hadith: 121. Muslim, Al-Jami’ al-Sahih, Kitab al-Iman, Number of Hadith: 65.
At-Tirmidhī, Al-Jāmiʿ, Chapters of Al-Diyat, Number of Hadith: 1365.
Tabrani, Abu al-Qasim Sulaiman ibn Ahmad (260-360 AH), Al-Mu'jam al-Saghir, Al-Muktab al-Islami, Beirut: 1405 AH, Number of Hadith: 897.
Al-Bukhari, Al-Jama’i al-Sahih, Kitab al-Mujarah, Chapter Fazl al-Zara’ and Al-Ghars, Number of Hadith: 2320. Muslim, Al-Jami’a al-Sahih, Number of Hadith: 1552.
Muslim, Al-Jama’i al-Sahih, Kitab Al-Drabs and Zaina, Hadith Number: 2117.
Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Musnad Abdullah bin Abbas, Number of Hadith: 2479.
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