اسلام کے معاشرتی نظام کی مبادیات: معارف القرآن اور روح القرآن کے تناظر میں ایک مطالعہ
Foundations of the Social System of Islam: A Study in Context of the Māʻrif al-Quran and Roḥ al-Quran
Social System, Islam, Context, Māʻrif al-Quran, Roḥ al-QuranAbstract
Islam is a universal religion. Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in favor of mankind. Islam is the religion of proper humanity, tells us all ethics and the code of life. Quranic wisdom along with Hadith is the basic source for Islamic guidance. Today's most important thing is the ethical bankruptcy of mankind. very long topic is discussed in short notes of two Tafaseers, Marif ul-Quran by Mufti Muhammad Shafi Deobandi and Rooh-Ul-Quran by Dr. Muhammad Aslam Siddiqui, is the explanation of Quranic verses. We choose the topic on ethical background from these books. So, the basic theme of humanity is encoded in the education of Quran and Sunna.
Al-Baqarah 2:213.
Ṣūfī Abd al-Ḥameed Swātī, Ma’alim al-Irfān fī Duroos al-Qurān (Gujranwala: Maktaba Duroos al-Quran), 3:311.
Muftī Muhammad Shāfʻī, Ma’ārif al-Qurān (Karachi: Idara al-Ma’ārif), 1:60.
Sahibzada Sājid al-Raḥmān, Ma’ārif al-Qurān (Islamabad: Idara Taḥqeeqāt-e-Islāmī), 359.
Shāf’ī, Ma’ārif al-Qurān, 1:28.
Friday Special, “Prof. Dr. Aslam Siddiqui ki Rahlat.” Accesed February 8, 2019. https://jasarat.com/fridayspecial/2019/02/08/243017/.
Naway e Waqt, “Tafseer Rooh Ul Quran” Accesed Dec 7, 2012. https://www.nawaiwaqt.com.pk/07-Dec-2012/152020.
Ashraf ‘Alī Thānvī, Aadāb al-Muʻāshirāt (Karachi: Maktaba-tul-Bushra), 3.
Al-Mā’idah 5:3.
Abū Tāḥir, Muhammad Ibn Yāqoob Ferūzabādī, Tafseer Ibn-e-Abbās, trans. Muhammad Saʻeed Ahmad Ātif (Lahore: Makkī Dār al-Kutub), 1:325.
Al-Baqarah 2:213.
Swātī, Ma’alim al-Irfān fī Duroos al-Qurān, (Gujranwala: Maktaba Duroos al-Qurān), 3:311.
Al-Hujurat 49:13
Abū Muhammad Abd al-Haq Haqqānī, Tafseer Fath al-Mannān:Tafseer-e-Haqqānī (Karachi: Mīr Muhammad Kutub khāna), 4:344.
Al-Hujurāt 49:11-12.
Muhammad Malik Kandhalwī, Ma’arif al-Qurān Takmila (Shahdadpur: Maktaba-tul-Ma’arif), 7:500.
Al-Imrān 3:110.
Shāfʻī, Ma’ārif al-Qurān (Karachi: Idara-tul-Ma’ārif), 2:148.
Al-Nisā’ 4:32.
Muftī Muhammad Taqī Usmānī, Tauzeeh al-Qurān:Aasān Tarjuma Qurān (Karachi: Makta-tul-Ma’ārif), 197.
Al-Mā’idah 5:2.
Muhammad Āsif Qāsmī, Tafseer Baseerat-e-Qurān (Karachi: Maktaba Baseerat-e-Quran), 1:523.
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