استدراك الإمام فخرالدين الرازي على القاضي عبد الجبار المعتزلي في مسألة شفاعة النبي لأهل الكبائر من خلال تفسيره "مفاتيح الغيب" :دراسة تحليلة نقدية
Imām Fakhr ud Dīn al-Rāzī’s Rectifications of Qādī ‘Abdul Jabbār al-Mu’tazilī’s views about the Prophet’s Intercession for the People of major sins in his Tafsīr “Mafāṭīḥ al-Ghayb ": A Critical and Analytical Study
Al-Rāzī, Rectifications, ‘Abdul Jabbār al-Mu’tazilī’s, Prophet’s Intercession, major sins “Mafāṭīḥ al-GhaybAbstract
Imām Fakhr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī, often known by the sobriquet Sultan of the theologians, was a Persian polymath, Islamic scholar and a pioneer of inductive logic-, and his extremely wide-ranging exegesis of the holy Qur’an (Mafāṭīḥ al-Ġhayb) which ranks among the greatest works of its kind in Islam. In his Tafsir, any interpolations introduced by the erring sects in interpretation of the holy Quran has been discussed in full and then refuted with detailed arguments. And hence, a huge amount of criticism is found against Mu’tazila in his tafsir. This article is an attempt to discuss the influence of Mu’tazila on contemporary exegetes, and to refute such deviated ideas on the name of modernism, demonstrating Imam Razi’s rectifications of Abdul Jabbar al Mutazili’s views in his Commentary known as “Mafāṭīḥ al-Ghayb’’
Al-Hussein bin Masoud bin Muḥammad, Al-Farrā: Jurist, Muḥaddith, Interpreter, writer of Lubāb al-ta’wīl fī m’ālim al-tanzīl. See: Al-A’lām by Al-Zarkali ,2: 259.
See: Abu Bakr, Taqī al-Dīn Ibn Qaḍī al-Dimashqī, Tabaqāt al-Shāfi’iyyah, ) ālam al-Kutub - Beirut, first edition, 1407 AH.), 2:65
Manī’ bin Abd al-ḥalīm Maḥmoud, Manāhij al-Mufassirīn, (Beirut- Dār al-Kitāb al-Masry - Cairo, Dār al-Kitāb al-Lubnani, 1421 AH - 2000 AD), 148.
See for more: Abu al-Faḍl Aḥmad bin ḥajar al-‘Asqalānī, Lisān al-Mīzān, (Beirut-Al-Alami Publications Foundation, second edition, 1390 AH / 1971 AD) 3:386.
Abu al-Qasim Maḥmoud Jār Allah al-Zamakhsharī, Asās al-Balāġa, (Beirut-Dār al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, first edition, 1419 AH - 1998 AD) 1:284.
Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs - Kuwait, al-maoso’ah al-kuwaitiah al-fiqhiyah, (Kuwait-Dār Al-Salāsil, from 1404 - 1427 AH) 3:269.
See: Rectifications of the Salaf in the Interpretation, 34.
See: Ali bin Muḥammad Al-Jarjānī, Kitāb al-ta’rīfāt, (Beirut-Dār Al-Kutub Al-‘Ilmiyyah, First Edition, 1403 AH - 1983 AD), 21.
Al-rāzī, Mafātiḥ al-Ġhyb, 26:439.
Al-Nisa’, 4:48.
Al-zumar, 39:53.
Al-rāzī, Mafātiḥu al-Ġhyb, 26:439.
Al-Qāḍī, Tanzīh al-Quran ‘an al-matā’in, 378.
Al-Qāḍī, Sharḥ usool khamsa, 688.
Al-baqara: 2:48.
Al-Qāḍī, Sharḥ usool khamsa, 464.
Al-Ġāfir 40:18.
Abu al-Qāsim Maḥmoud Jār Allah al-Zamakhsharī, Al-Kashāf ‘an haqāiq ġawāmiz al-Tanzīl, (Beirut- Dār Al-Kitāb Al-‘Arabi, Edition: Third - 1407 AH) 1:136,137.
Narrated by Al-Tirmidhī, hadith number 2435, 4:625.
See: Abu Al-Qāsim Suleimān Al-Tabaranī, Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabīr, (Cairo-Ibn Taymiyyah Library, second edition) 11:98.
Mustafa Maḥmoud (December 27, 1921 - October 31, 2009) is an Egyptian philosopher, doctor, and writer. He wrote 89 books, including scientific, religious, philosophical, social and political books. He was the presenter of more than 400 episodes of his popular TV show, Al-‘Ilm wa Al-Iman. See: Wikipedia.
See: Intercession is an attempt to understand the ancient dispute between supporters and opponents, 17.
Al-nisā’, 4:145.
Al-furqān, 25:30.
Al-shafā’ah, 17, 18.
Al-shafā’ah, 19.
Al-an’am, 6:51.
Al-sajda, 32:4.
Al-shafā’ah, 21, 22.
Al-shafā’ah, 24.
Al-anbiā’, 21:28.
See: Abu Al-ḥussein yaḥya Suleman Al-Shafi’i, al-intisār fi al-rad ala Mu’tazila Qadāriyya al-ashrār, (Riyadh-Adwa’ Al-Salaf, first edition, 1419 AH / 1999 AD) 3:698.
Ġafir, 40:18.
Abu Abdul Raḥman Aḥmad Al-Nisāi, Al-Sunan Al-Kubrā, (Beirut-Al-Risala Foundation, First Edition, 1421 AH - 2001 AD) 5:18.
Narrated by “Al-Bukhārī” (1237 and 7487), and “Muslim” in Faith 153.
See: Abu Muḥammad ‘Ali Ibn ḥazam al-andalusī, Al-Fasl fi Al-Milal wa’l-Ahwa wa’l-Niḥl, (Cairo-Al-Khanji Library) 4:53.
See: Abu Abd al-Raḥman Muḥammad Dārwish al-ḥout al-Shāfi’ī, Asna al-Matālib fi aḥādīth mukhtalifatul marātib, (Beirut-Dār al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, first edition, 1418 AH - 1997 AD)166.
See: Al-Qāḍī, Sharḥ usool khamsa, 688.
Al-baqarah, 2:255.
Taha, v: 20:109.
Abu Dharr Abdul Qadir Mustafa al-Muḥammadi, Intercession in the Prophet’s Hadith: 48.
Al-baqarah, 2:255.
See: Abu Ja’far, Muḥammad bin Jarīr al-Tabarī, Jāmi’ al-Bayān fī Tafsīr al-Qur’an, (Al-Risāla Foundation, edition: first, 1420 AH - 2000 AD) 5:395.
Maryam, 19:87.
Al-rāzī, Mafātiḥu al-Ġhyb, 3:449.
Al-mudassir, 74:48.
Al-rāzī, Mafātiḥu al-Ġhyb, 30:716.
Muḥammad, 47:19.
Al-duḥa, 93:5.
Included by Al-Tirmidhi. He said this is a Hasan Sahīh narration, hadith number 2435, 4:625.
Narrated by Muslim in his Saḥīḥ, 1:189
Al-rāzī, Mafātiḥu al-Ġhyb, 3:502.
Narrated by Al-Bukhari in his Saḥīḥ, 1:115
Included by Al-Bukhari, 2:71, and Muslim, 1:94
Al-Harbi Hussein, Qawā’id al-tarjīh ‘inda al-mufassirīn, 1:214.
Al-rāzī, Ma’alim usul al-din, 1:133.
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