Need to adopt Quranic way of Life in the Modern Era
Quranic way, Life, Modern EraAbstract
In deed this is thought provoking topic when we compare current life style which is quietly different from holy Quran and Islamic teachings while it is not ancient book but it is valid book till the day hereafter because Quran is miracle and implementable till the day of Judgement lot of scientists have benefited by Quran and they also agree up on the excellence of Quran. Hence in this research we have to prove dominancy of Quran over on all other life styles, it is crystal clear that the creator or inventor has right to make the rules and regulations of invented or created thing as compare to others because these are ignorant from the needs and requirement of that thing. Likewise in the life style when we pondering that Almighty Allah has created a humanity He knows the requirement and needs of human beings it is obvious that the Quran is challenges that ‘if you have any doubt in what we have revealed on our servant bring merely chapter of it if you are truthful” it is also real fact that each and every system or thought has to manifesto and let book which called as constitution being Muslim we believe that Islam is complete code of life and the constitution of Islam is Sacred Book Quran if it is then why we follow other life styles other than Quran. Comparatively this time is well advanced period and lot of things invented while concept of these things was present in this sky book, I have drawn intention of readers on these points.
In this article we would discuss that importance of Quranic life style as compare to other thoughts because Quran also challenges that “neither any green nor dry but (it is all in manifest book). It is responsibility of scholars to interpret the Quran contemporary because this is not merely ancient book but it is for all times and not for Arabs but for guide line of whole humanity of entire universe.
Qur’an Surah the Clot, 96:1-5.
Qur’an Surah the Muzamil, 73:5 and: 8.
Qur’an Surah the Dukhan, 44:3 and surah The Qadir, 97:1.
Qur’an Surah The veil, 7: 172.
Qur’an Surah the Ahzab, 33:32.
Qur’an Surah the Women, 4:1.
Al Quran surat the Fruit, 5:3.
Al Quran Daher, 76:30 and Surah Takweer, 81:29.
Al Quran Surah the progeny of Imran, 3:36.
Al Quran Surah the progeny of Imran, 3:85.
Al Quran Surah the Prophets, 21:23.
Al Quran Surah the Al Airaf, 7:34.
Al Quran Surah the Hashr, 59:7.
Al Quran Surah the Airaf, 7:194.
Al Quran Surah the Thunder, 13:14.
Al Quran Surah the Bee, 16:97.
Al Quran Surah the Taha, 20:124.
Nahj al-Balagha, Sermon 176.
Al Quran Surah the Cow, 2:155.
Al Quran Surah Anam, 6:44.
Al Quran Surah Zaryat, 51:55.
Al Quran Surah the Event, 56:45-46.
Al Quran Surah Furqan, 25:30.
Ghurar al-Hikam (English) Chapter Religion & Sharia Laws, 402, H 52.
Tanbih al-Khawatir, 2:122.
Sheikh Hur-e- Amli Wasa'il-ush Shi'ah, 24:245.
Zahid Ashraf “Islamic stues for CSS, PMS, p.9 Jahangeer series.
Al Quran Surah Younis, 10:62.
Al Quran Surah Mudasir, 74:38.
Surah The apartments, 49:13.
Zahid Ashraf “Islamic Studies for CSS” Publisher Jahangir (Exam series p,10-11)
Muhammad Bin Yaqoob Kulaine (usul kafi volume 2, p,599)
Al Quran Surah the progeny of Imran, 3:159.
Al Quran Surah the progeny of Imran, 3:134.
Al Quran Surah the women, 4:36.
Al Quran Surah 7:13.
Al Quran Surah the Veil, 7:199
Al Quran Surah Taha 20:44.
Al Quran Surah Luqman, 31:19.
Al Quran Surah the Apartments, 49:11.
Al Quran Surah Alisra, 17:23.
Al Quran Surah Alisra, 17:32.
Al Quran Surah Alisra, 17:29.
Al Quran Surah Alisra, 17:36.
Al Quran Surah the cow, 2:168
Al Quran Surah the Cow, 2:280.
Al Quran Surah the Cow, 2:275.
Al Quran Surah the Cow, 2:188.
Al Quran Surah the Cow, 2:177.
Al Quran Surah the Cow, 2:283.
Al Quran Surah the Cow, 2:42.
Al Quran Surah the women, 4:58.
Al Quran Surah the Women, 4:135.
Al Quran Surah the Women, 4:7.
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