سیرت محمدی :حضرت علی ابن ابی طالب کے خطبات کا ایک مطالعہ
Biography of the Holy Prophet: A Study of the Sermons of Hazrat Alī Ibn Abī Tālib
Moral, Patience, Bravery, Piety, WisdomAbstract
Allah Almighty has made the life of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) a role model for the betterment and reforming of society. He (PBUH) delivered the message of Allah to the world and saved them from the torment of Allah, teaching them to worship and love one God. He gave a system of life that leads humanity to peace and security and is a total mercy for mankind. All his life he treated God's creatures with kindness and mercy. His mercy was not only for the believers, but also for the disbelievers. Therefore, in this article, the biography of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) will be narrated from Nahjul Balagha. Because Hazrat Ali (AS) has mentioned the good morals of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Nahj al-Balaghah as well as somewhere he has described his virtues. In the same way, somewhere he has stated the purpose of enlightenment and somewhere he has shed light on patience and courage of the Holy Prophet (PBHU). Somewhere he has described asceticism and piety, somewhere he has mentioned his benevolence, somewhere he has mentioned a physician for the healing of the sick. Therefore, in this article, the biography of the Holy Prophet (sws) will be narrated from Nahjul Balagha along with Qur'an and Hadith.
Sheikh Abbas al-Qumi: “Muntah ul Aamal fee Tawareekh –e- al Nabi wa Aal –e- Nabi (PBUH)”, (Qum: Nashar Daleel e Ma 1379 H.S),1: 50-53
Surah Al-Ahzab: 21
Sharif al Razi, Mohammad bin Hussain: “Nahj ul Balagha‘‘ (tahqeeq: Sabhi Salih), (Qum: Nashar Dar ul Hijrat 1414 A.H), Khutba160: 226
Al-Razi, ’’Nahjul Balagha‘‘, Khutba160: 227-228
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 94:139
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 100: 146.
Al-Razi, ’’Nahjul Balagha‘‘, Khutba 190: 283
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba109: 162.
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 109:162.
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 160: 228.
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 160: 228
Hasan bin Fazal al- Tabrisi, ’’Maqarim ul Akhlaq‘‘ ,( Qum: Nashar, Al-Shareef Razi: 1412 A.H), 10
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba160:229
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, 160, 229.
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 160:229.
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 160:229.
Mohammad bin Ali al-Karajki, ’’Al risalatul Alvia fee fazail-e- Ameer il Momineen a.s ala sair il bariyyah”,Qum: Nashr: daleel e Ma, 1427Q,:11
Tabrisee, “Makaremul akhlaq”: 8.
Surah Aal-e-Imran:159
Tabrisee, “Makaremul akhlaq”:17
Alhashmi Albasari Mohammad bin saad bin munee, “Altabqat-ul-qubra”, dar-ul-kutub-ul-islamia Beroot, 1st publication1410q/1990,1:284.
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba105:151
Surah At-Tawbah: 128.
Surah Al-Kahf: 6
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 95:140.
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 95:140.
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 108:156.
Mirza Habeebullah al-Khoi, “Minhaj ul Baraua fi Sharh e Nahjul Balagha”, (Tehran: Maktab -ul-Islamia 1400 A.H), 18:158.
Ali bin Eesa al-Arbeli, “Kashf-ul- Ghamma fi MarIfat -ul- Aaimma”, publisher bani hashmi Tabrez Iran, 1381Q, 2:535,
Hashmi Albasari Mohammad bin saad bin munee, “Altabqat-ul-qubra”, 1:285
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, hikmat 265:520
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 106:154.
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 1:44
Al-Razi, “Nahjul Balagha”, Khutba 96:141
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 231:353.
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 192:298
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 192:298
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 192:298
Al-Razi, Nahjul Balagha, Khutba 97:143
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