بائبل اور قرآن کا تصوراخلاق: ایچ ای سی سے منظور شدہ مجلات میں شائع ہونے والے مقالات کا جائزہ
Concept of Ethics in the Bible and the Qurʼan: A review of Articles published in Peer-reviewed HEC Recognized Journals
In this paper, articles from Higher Education Commission approved journals based on the concept of ethics in the Bible and the Qurʼan have been reviewed. Ethic refers to the behavior that is based on morals. The position of ethics is like a backbone in any nation and society. The common chapter of the religions of the world is ethics on which there is no disagreement. A review of the concept of ethics reveals that the word ethics does not exist at all in the Hebrew Bible. But through preliminary evaluations the meaning of ethics is understood. In the Hebrew Bible, God's will be considered moral. Unlike other religions, in Islam apart from worship, morals are of key importance. Moral principles and duties are briefly discussed in the Bible. However, the Qurʼan provides complete guidance on moral principles and rules. After presenting the introduction of the articles in this paper, the summary of these articles is then presented at the end of the analysis of all the articles.
Al-kitāb al-Muqaddas (Dār al-kitāb fī al-sharq al-osat 1995), Al ahad al-Kadīm al-Ahbar,19: 1-2.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 15:4.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 15: 43,44.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 9:5.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 6:14.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 5.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 6:20.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, luqa, 3:14.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Kalision, 3:9.
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Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Zabur, 26:4.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 6: 1-4.
Al Nisāʼ, 4:38.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Istisna, 15: 7-10.
Al Nisāʼ, 4:37.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Kharoj, 20:16.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Mati, 12:36.
Al Ḥummazah, 104:1.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Kharoj, 23:1.
Al Hajj, 22:30.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Zabur, 1:1.
Al Hujurāt, 49:11.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Kharoj, 20:17.
Al-Kitāb al-Muqadas, Luqa, 12:15.
Al Tghābun, 64/16.
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Al Jumuʻah, 62/10.
Al Imām abū Abdulallah Ahmad ibn Muhammad Ibn Hanbal al-Shibānī, Musnad Ahmad (Baīrūt: Muissat al-Risālat)28, 502.
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Al Taūbah, 9/34.
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Al ʻImrān, 3/75.
Al Ahazāb, 33/70.
Al Māidah, 6/1.
Al Mutfifīn, 83/1-4.
Al Baqarah, 2/275.
Al Baqarah, 2/281.
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Imām Fakhar al-dīn Rāzī, Tafsīr Al-Kabīr (Beirut: Dār al-Kutub Al-ʻIlmiyah), 435/15.
G.A Chand Ourkar, “Hindu Akhlāqiyāt (Hyderabad: 1971), 11 -14.
Ourkar, “Hindu Akhlaqiyat, 85-87.
David S. Ariel, what do jews believe? (New York: Schocken Books, 1995) 51.
Chaudhery Ghulam Rasool Cheema, Mazāhib e ʻĀlam kā Taqābulī Muṭāli’ah, (Lahore, 2006) 432.
Al-Nahl, 16/90.
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