An Analytical Evaluation of the Signification of ‘The Development of Metaphysics in Persia’ in the Advancement of Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s Theo-Philosophic Ideas
Metaphysics, Development, Thought, Change, Theology, Philosophy, Sufism 1. IntroductionAbstract
Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1038) is a versatile thinker of the modern Muslim world. Although he was born in Sub-Continent but his thought crossed all the barriers of color, creed, race and land. Syed Jamal Din Afghani (1838-1898) was the 1st person who set the foundation of the renaissance of the modern Muslim world. Iqbal preceded and accelerated Syed Jamal al Din Afghani’s movement of reformation with his sagacious approach in a new way with new dimensions. He used both the mediums ‘prose’ and ‘poetry’ to present his thought. His poetic work is in Persian and Urdu languages while his prose work is in English, Urdu and Persian. He was a theologian, philosopher, mystic poet and politician. His 1st research work is his doctoral dissertation under the title ‘The Development of Metaphysics in Persia’. This research work is the 1st outcome of his intellectual endeavors during his stay in Europe from 1905 to 1908 in England and Germany. A common viewpoint of Iqbal scholars about this research work of is that ‘it is outdated and has no value in Iqbal’s thought and literature now’. The last and final philosophical work of Allama Iqbal is under the title ‘The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam’. From 1st to final philosophical work there are many others his valuable books in poetry and prose. In this article our aim is to analyze the said views about his doctoral thesis and to find out the significance of his 1st philosophical work in the development of his thought.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, The Development of Metaphysics in Persia (Lahore: Bazm e Iqbal Club Road, 1964).
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, The Development of Metaphysics in Persia (Lahore: Bazm e Iqbal Club Road, 1964), Contents.
Muhammad Iqbal, The Development of Metaphysics in Persia: A Contribution to the History of Muslim Philosophy, first edition, (London Luzac and Co, 1908)
Muhammad Iqbal, Iqbal Nama Vol-2, Ed. Shaikh Ata Ullah, (Lahore: Sheikh Muhammad Ashraf,1951),100.
Allma Muhammad Iqbal, Makateeb e Iqbal banam Niaz al Din Khan (Lahore:Iqbal Academy,1986),50.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought IN Islam (Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture Club Road, 1989), 5.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Maqalat e Iqbal Ed Syed Abdul wahid Moeeni p-190
Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem, Maqalat e Hakeem p-128
Muhammad Iqbal, Iqbal Nama Vol-1, Ed. Shaikh Ata Ullah, (Lahore: Sheikh Muhammad Ashraf,1945),109
Ibid, 426.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought IN Islam (Lahore: Institute of Islamic Culture Club Road, 1989), Preface.
Ibid, 73
B.A.Dar Ed. Anwar e Iqbal(Lahore: Iqbal Academy, 1987.
Dr. S.M. Minhaj al Din, Afqar o Tassawrat e Iqbal (Lahore:Karwan e Adab,1985),13.
Dr Iftikhar Ahmad Siddiqi, Urooj e Iqbal (Lahore:Bazm e Iqbal, 1987),341.
Dr Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Iqbal aor Quran (Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan, 1977),36.
Dr Anne Marrie Scimal, Sheh parr e Jabreel (Lahore: Globe Publishers, 1985),59.
Abbas Mahdwi Ashraf, Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal (Iran: Mazandran Idara e Kull e Farhang o Hunr),3.
Fazal allah Raza, Muhammad Iqbal (Tehran:Anjuman e Rawabit e Farhangi Iran o Pakistan),7.
Habib Yaghmai, Iqbal wa Shaer e Ou (Tehran: Guzarish e Kungra e Bar Guzashit e Iqbal),173.
Syed Ghulam Raza Saeedi, Iqbal Shanasi (Tehran: Intisharat e Be’sat)20.
Ahmad Ahmadi, Dana e Raz, (Tehran: Chapkhana e Zawar),7.
Muhammad Taqi Muqtadari, Iqbal-Mutafakir o Sha’ir e Islam (Tehran: Chapkhana e Daulti), 22.
Abdul Rafi Haqeeqat, Iqbal e Sharq (Tehran: Intisharat e Bunyad e neko kari,1357),32.
Dr Mahdi Mohaqqiq, Iqbal wa Falsfa e Islami (Tehran: Guzarish e Kungra e Bar Guzashit e Iqbal),184.
Syed Muhammad Moheet Tabatabai, Shanasai e Iqbal (Tehran: Guzarish e Kungra e Bar Guzashit e Iqbal),140.
Muhammad Iqbal, Kulyat e Ashar e Farsi, Moqaddima, Ahmad Saroosh(Tehran: Intisharat e Kitab Khana e Sinai,1368),32.
Muhammad Hussain Masha’ikh Freedni, Nawa I Sha’ir e farad (Tehran: Muassasa e Mutaliaat o Tehqeeqat e Farhangi, 1368),37.
Dr. Shaheen Dukht Muqaddam, Negahi be Iqbal (Lahore: Iqbal Academy Paistan,1989),33.
Dr Mahdi Mohaqqiq, Iqbal wa Falsfa e Islami (Tehran: Guzarish e Kungra e Bar Guzashit e Iqbal), 184.
Muhammad Hussain Masha’ikh Freedni, Nawa e Sha’ir e farda (Tehran: Muassasa e Mutaliaat o Tehqeeqat e Farhangi, 1368), 36.
Abdul Rafi Haqeeqat, Iqbal e Sharq (Tehran: Intisharat e Bunyad e neko kari,1357), 34.
Dr. Shaheen Dukht Muqaddam, Negahi be Iqbal (Lahore: Iqbal Academy Pakistan,1989), 34.
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