عہد ِ جاہلیت میں عرب میں دختر کشی : ایک تاریخی جائزہ
A Study of Daughter killing in Arabia in Pre-Islamic Era
Banu Tamim, Days of Ignorance, Kill girls, Arab, Islamic TeachingsAbstract
The age of ignorance refers to the time before the revelation of the Prophet. Qais bin Asim was the founder of female genital mutilation in the pre-Islamic era. He belonged to Banu Tamim, He converted to Islam in 9 AH and died in Basra in 50 AH. Among the factors that led the Arabs to kill girls: national pride, girls with special qualities, honor and respect, fear of being imprisoned and poverty are top notch. It is not correct to say that all Arabs buried their daughters alive, but the historical fact is that: It was common in some tribes, and it was short-lived where there were murderers, there was no shortage of people who spent a lot of money to protect the lives of girls. Among such people, the names of Sassah bin Najia and Zaid bin Amr bin Nafil are prominent.
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