نقشۂ جما ل ِمصطفیٰ ﷺقرآن کے تنا ظر میں
Sketch of the Beauty of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the Context of Quran
Prophet, sketches, beauty, QuranAbstract
Holy Prophet (PBUH) had so infinite beauty that cannot be completely described by finite words on earth. It is impossible to comprehend the interminable and immense beauty of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The example of the beauty of the Prophet (PBUH) is like the endless sea in which one and a half waves bounce and show themselves and no one can descend into the depths of the sea which is spread far and wide. The Creator of the universe has acknowledged His beauty in the Holy Qur'an. Many attributes of the Prophet (PBUH) are mentioned in verses of the Quran that depicts the level of excellence with which Allah made his Prophet (PBUH). This article is an attempt to sketch the beauty of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the context of the Quran.
Shāh Abdul Aziz Dehlvī, Tafseer-e-Azizi (Karachi: SM Saeed Company, n.d), 4: 217.
Al-Mā’idah 5: 15-16.
Ashraf Ali, Maulana, Nash rut Tayyab fi Zikr un Nabi (PBUH(, Mushtaq Boo Corner, Lahore,2003, p Ṣṣ
Muhammad bin Ismail al-Bukharī, Al-Jamia al-Sahih, Kitab ul Manaqib, Hadith 3556.
Moosa Ibn Ayyāz Ibn Umer, al-Shifa Bi Tʻareef al-Huqūq al-Mustafa (Oman:, 1407 A.H), 1: 214.
Muslim Ībn al-Hajāj Qusherī, Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Fazail, Hadith: 6064.
Muslim, Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Fazail, Hadith 6071
Al-Najm 53:1.
Qazi Ayyaz, al-Shifā, 1: 94.
At Tariq 86:1-3
Al-Hijr 15:72.
Ibne Arabi Maliki, Muhammad bin Abdullah Abu Bakar, Ahkam ul Quran, Darul Kutab Al Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon, 1424 A.H/2003), 3:105.
Al- Zhuha 93:2.
Gāfir 40:64
Al-Taghabun 24:3
Al-Teen 95:4
Muslim, Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Fazail, Hadith: 65940.
Muslim, Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Fazail, Hadith: 6084.
Al-Baqarah 2:144.
Al-Shuara 26:192-194
Al-Baqarah 2:97
Ad-Dukhān 44:58
Al-Qiyāmah 75:1
Dr. Muhammad Tahir Mustafa, Falsafa Asma-e-Rasool( Lahore: Al-Faisal Nashiran, 2008),135.
Al-Najm 53:3-4.
Al-Hāqah 69:40.
Al-Najm 53:17.
Shihāb al-Dīn Mehmood bin Abdullah Al-Hussaini l-Alusi, Rooh al-Ma’ānī (Beirut: Darul Kutb Al-Ilmiyah, 1415 A.H), 14 :52.
Al-Najm 53:18.
Al-Tawba 9:61.
Al-Sharah 94:1.
Al-e-Imrān 3:159.
Al-Fath 48:10,
Al-Anfāl 8:117.
Al-Hujurāt 49:2.
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