مفسرین ِ اندلس کےمقدمات میں مباحثِ قراءاتِ قرآنیہ : ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
An Analytical Study of Qur'anic readings in Exordiums of Andalusian Commentators
Andalus, Qira’at, Commentators, Quran, exordiumAbstract
Al-Andalus or Spain experienced the heights of knowledge and sciences under the magnificent Muslim rule for almost eight centuries. Most of the Iberian Peninsula was marked with learning and development due to remarkable Muslim dynasties. Muslims achieved great glory in Andalus not only in terms of lands but in sciences. Quranic sciences including Tafsir (exegesis) and Qira’at (Quranic readings) are worth mentioning among these bits of knowledge. Andalusian commentators wrote great Tafthirs that later paved the way for more research. The discussions related to Qira’at (Quranic readings) are found in the exegesis of commentators of Andalus such as ‘Tafsir-ul-Muharrar ul Wajeez’ by Ibne Attiya, ‘Al Jamia Li Ahkam ul Quran’ by Qurtubi, Kitab ul Mubani, Kitab-ul-Tas’heel Li Ulum Tanzeel by Alama Ibn-e-Jozi and Al-Bahr-ul-Muheet by Abu Hayyan Al-Andalusi. This paper aims to highlight some Andalusian exegesis to reflect on Muslim commentators' views on Qira'at. By applying the qualitative method, this research article will provide an analytical study of Ilm-ul-Qira’at (the science of Quranic Readings) in the exordiums of Andalusians commentators.
Raghib Isfahani, Mufridāt al-Quran (Beirut: Dār Ihya al-Turth al-Arabi, 2002), 218; Badur Rasheed Naumani, Lughat al-Quran (Karachi: Dar al-Ishat, 1986), 5: 86-87.
Zarakshi, Al Burhan fi Ulum al-Quran (Darul Kutb, 1957), 1:395.
Shihab al-Din Qastalani, Lataif al-Isharat li Funoon al-Qiraat (Cairo: Dār al-Ihya al- Turath al-Arabi, 1392 A.H), 1: 17.
Najam us Saqih, Tareekh Tajweed wa Qiraat (Lahore: Qira’at Academy), 113.
Qurtubi, Al Jami al-Ahkam al-Quran (Beirut: Dār al-Ihya al- Turath al-Arabi, 1985), 1: 59.
Al-Jazri, Al-Nashar fi Qira’at al-Ashr (Beirut: Darul Kutub Al Ilmiyah, 1998), 1:2; Abu Shama al-Muqaddasi, Al Murshid al-Wajeez ( Ankara Dar Waqaf al Dananah, 1986, p 149-153
Muqadmatan fi Ulum al-Quran (Egypt: Maktabah al-Khanji, 1954), 134.
Muqadmatan fi Ulum al-Quran, 134
Muqadmatan fi Ulum al-Quran, 135,140.
Muqadmatan fi Ulum al-Quran, 170-171
Ibne Maja, Al Sunan, Kitab Iqamah Salat wa Sunnah, 1985, 1: 11; Qurtubi, Jamia li Ahkam ul Quran (Beirut: Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi, 1985, 1: 11
Abu Dawood, Al Sunan, Kitab ul Witr, Hadith 1468; Qurtubi, Al Jamia li Ahkam ul Quran, 1: 10.
Qurtubi, Al-Jami 1: 10.
Muhammad Ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, Jamia al-Sahih, Kitab ut Tauheed, Hadith 7527; Abu Dawood, Sunan, Kitab al-Salat, Hadith 1469, 1471; Al Jamia li Ahkam ul Quran, 1: 11.
Qurtubi, Al-Jami , 1:11.
Qurtubi, Al-Jami , 1:11.
Qurtubi, Al-Jami , 1:11.
Qurtubi, Al-Jami , 1:12.
Qurtubi, Al-Jami , 1:17; Tirmidhi, Jami al-Sunan, Kitab Fazail ul Quran, Hadith 2923; Sunan Abu Dawood, Kitab us Salat, Hadith 1466
Qurtubi, Al-Jami , 1:24.
Qurtubi, Al-Jami , 1:24.
Zayada , Al-Ehsan fi Ulum ul Quran, 3: 42,53.
Ibne Juzai Kitab al-Tas’heel li Ulum al-Tanzeel ( Beirut: Dar al-Kitab al Arabi, n.d),1: 11.
Ibne Juzai, Kitab ut Tasheel, 1: 12.
Izhar Ahmed, Khulasa tul Tajweed (Lahore: Qirat Academy), 42; Al Itaqan, 1: 323.
Izhar Ahmed Thanvi, Khulasa tul Tajweed, 42.
Izhar Ahmed Thanvi, Khulasa tul Tajweed, 42.
Al Itaqan, 1: 323.
Al Itaqan, 1: 323.
Muhammad Abdullah Mahajir Makki, Qari Taleem ul Waqf, Lahore: Qirat Academy), 54.
Ibne Juzai, Kitab ut Tasheel, 1: 12.
Ibne Juzai, Kitab ut Tasheel, 1: 12.
Ibne Juzai, Kitab ut Tasheel, 1: 12.
Ibne Juzai, Kitab ut Tasheel, 1: 12.
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