دور العلماء في تربية الجانب الإيماني للخلفاء
The Role of Islamic Scholars in Raising the faith Side of the al- Khulafah
Reflection of Dawah, Islamic scholars, Journalism, Islamic thoughtAbstract
The Islamic scholars to God Almighty have a great role to play in promoting brotherhood among Muslims, eliminating whatever stands in his way and weakens his power. That is because they are the inheritors of the prophets in change and reform, and they are always the bearers of the torch of guidance, and the safety valve for creation from misguidance and destruction, through their efforts of elucidation and communication, advice, and guidance, and taking people’s hands to the straight path of God. They must advise Muslims - rulers and rulers - and to explain to everyone the importance of Islamic brotherhood and its status in the Shariah, to alert them to its danger and necessity, and to explain its effects on the life of the nation, individuals, and societies, and to remind them of everything that would urge them to stick to their brothers and rally around them and warn them against neglecting them. forfeiting her rights. It makes the Muslims one group, standing in front of the eastern bloc, the western bloc, and other blocs that gather in which Islam has no place, and that the Islamic group will be a source of good for humanity as it was in the era of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the era of the adults after him, rather the era of the kings who were ruling Muslims while they are gathered, whether the ruling is as stated in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, or they differed from it in ways that were few or many.
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Al-Asbahi, Malik bin Anas: The Message of Imam Malik in Sunan, Sermons and Etiquette, previous reference, p. 14.
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Al-Asbahi, Malik bin Anas: The Message of Imam Malik in Sunan, Sermons and Etiquette, previous reference, p. 22.
Al-Tabarani, Suleiman bin Ahmed: The Great Lexicon, investigated by: Hamdi Abdel-Majid, 2nd edition, Cairo, Ibn Taymiyyah Library, 140 H, Intimidation from swearing by other than God (3/131), Hadith No.: 2953.
Ibn Hajar, Ahmad bin Ali: Fath al-Bari, Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, previous reference, (11/531).
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Hanbal, Ahmad bin Hanbal: Al-Musnad, investigation: Shuaib Al-Arnaout and others, 1, Beirut, Al-Resala Foundation, 1419 AH, (39/39), Hadith No.: 23630, a good hadith.
Ibn Majah, Muhammad bin Yazid: Al-Sunan, Investigated by: Shuaib Al-Arnaout and others, 1st edition, Beirut, Dar Al-Resala Al-Alameya, 1430 AH, Chapters: Asceticism, Chapter: Showing off and Reputation (5/291), Hadith No.: 4204, a good hadith.
Al-Saadi, Abdul Rahman bin Nasser: Tayseer Al-Karim Al-Rahman in the interpretation of the words of Al-Mannan, previous reference, p. 210.
Al-Asbahi, Malik bin Anas: The Message of Imam Malik in Sunan, Sermons and Etiquette, previous reference, p. 13.
Al-Sana’ means rose, i.e.: with high status and predestination with God, Ibn Manzur, Muhammad bin Makram: Lisan al-Arab, reference Previous, (14/403).
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Al-Asbahi, Malik bin Anas: The Message of Imam Malik in Sunan, Sermons and Etiquette, previous reference, p. 13.
Al-Hazmi, Khalid bin Hamed: The Fundamentals of Islamic Education, previous reference, p. 260.
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previous reference, p. 133.
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Ibn Jama`ah, Muhammad Ibn Ibrahim: The Ticket of the Listener and the Reliant
Al-Asbahi, Malik bin Anas: The Message of Imam Malik in Sunan, Sermons and Etiquette, previous reference, p. 22.
Al-Tabarani, Suleiman bin Ahmed: The Great Lexicon, investigated by: Hamdi Abdel-Majid, 2nd edition, Cairo, Ibn Taymiyyah Library, 140 H, Intimidation from swearing by other than God (3/131), Hadith No.: 2953.
Ibn Hajar, Ahmad bin Ali: Fath al-Bari, Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, previous reference, (11/531).
Al-Ghazali, Muhammad bin Muhammad: The Revival of Religious Sciences, 1st Edition, Beirut, Dar Al-Maarifa, 1402 AH, (3/297).
Hanbal, Ahmad bin Hanbal: Al-Musnad, investigation: Shuaib Al-Arnaout and others, 1, Beirut, Al-Resala Foundation, 1419 AH, (39/39), Hadith No.: 23630, a good hadith.
Ibn Majah, Muhammad bin Yazid: Al-Sunan, Investigated by: Shuaib Al-Arnaout and others, 1st edition, Beirut, Dar Al-Resala Al-Alameya, 1430 AH, Chapters: Asceticism, Chapter: Showing off and Reputation (5/291), Hadith No.: 4204, a good hadith.
Al-Saadi, Abdul Rahman bin Nasser: Tayseer Al-Karim Al-Rahman in the interpretation of the words of Al-Mannan, previous reference, p. 210.
Al-Asbahi, Malik bin Anas: The Message of Imam Malik in Sunan, Sermons and Etiquette, previous reference, p. 13.
Al-Sana’ means rose, i.e.: with high status and predestination with God, Ibn Manzur, Muhammad bin Makram: Lisan al-Arab, reference Previous, (14/403).
Ibn Hibban, Muhammad bin Hibban: Ihsan fi Taqreeb Sahih Ibn Hibban, arranged by: Ali bin Balban, investigation: Shuaib, Arnaout, 1, Beirut, Al-Resala Foundation, 1412 A.H., Book: Righteousness and Charity, Chapter: Sincerity and Acts of Secret (2/132), Hadith No.: 405, a good hadith.
Al-Asbahi, Malik bin Anas: The Message of Imam Malik in Sunan, Sermons and Etiquette, previous reference, p. 13.
Al-Hazmi, Khalid bin Hamed: The Fundamentals of Islamic Education, previous reference, p. 260.
Al-Bayhaqi, Ahmed bin Al-Hussein: Provisions of the Qur’an by Al-Shafi’i, investigated by: Abdul-Ghani Abdul-Khaliq, 2nd Edition, Cairo, Al-Khanji Library, 1414 AH (1/7).
Ibn Jama’ah, Muhammad bin Ibrahim: The Ticket of the Listener and the Speaker in the Etiquette of the Scholar and the Learner, achieved by: Abd al-Salam Omar, 1st Edition, Egypt, Ibn Abbas Library, 1425 AH, p. 89.
Al-Nawawi, Yahya bin Sharaf: The Etiquette of the Scholar and the Learner, I 1, Tanta, The Companions Library, 1408 AH, p. 8.
Ibn Jama’ah, Muhammad bin Ibrahim: The Reference to the Listener and the Speaker in the Etiquette of the Scholar and the Learner, previous reference, p. 163.
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Ibn al-Qayyim, Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr: Ibn al-Qayyim’s letter to one of his brothers, investigated by: Abdullah ibn Muhammad, (d. i), Makkah al-Mukarramah, House of the world of benefits, (D.T), p. 20.
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