پاکستان میں متجددانہ رجحانات کی حامل چندنمایاں شخصیات:تعارفی مطالعہ
Some of the Prominent Modernist Figures in Pakistan: An Introductory Study
Modernists, thoughts, religion, interpretation, IslamAbstract
The wave of modern trends in the subcontinent was so strong and powerful that many contemporary intellectuals and religious scholars from Pakistan were influenced by it. These scholars presented the interpretation and explanation of the religion of Islam which was very different from traditional interpretations. Some of them are those who denied the Ḥadīths of the Prophet and used to interpret Ḥadīths in such a way that was far from the traditional interpretations. Some of the prominent figures amongst these scholars are Ghulam Ali Qasoori, Maulvi Abdullah Chakdalvi, Muhammad Ali Lahori, Tamanna Imadi, Dr Fazlurehman, Amin Ahsan Islahi, Javed Ahmed Ghamadi etc. This paper is an introductory study of these modernist scholars and their thoughts.
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