اسلامی حدود: دائرۂ عمل اور منہجِ تنفیذ

Islamic capital punishments: Scope and Implementation procedure


  • Hafiz Asif Ismail M.Phil. Institute of Islamic Studies, Punjab University, Lahore Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan
  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan Ph. D Islamic Studies, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Center, Punjab University, Lahore




Punishments, Islam, Just, Dignity, Mutual respect, corruption of lineage, Evils, Crime, Qur’an & Sunnah, Slander and Slander, Accusations, Killing, Deportation, consideration.


These punishments prescribed by the religion of Islam are very just, at the same time they are in the interest of the people, human dignity, mutual respect, destruction of the family system, corruption of lineage, encroachment on people's property, abuse of human beings. To maintain the intellect and the ability to think and understand, to prevent many corruptions and evils, to cleanse society from crime and to establish and maintain public order. As the rain brings prosperity, the fields sway. The life of such subjects depends on the enforcement of Islamic punishments. The punishments for the crimes prescribed by the Qur'an and Sunnah are called (extreme crimes). These are adultery, slander and slander, stealing, drinking, fighting and apostasy. The punishment of adultery (in Islam) is for a virgin i.e., for both male and female to be hastened, while for those who are married it is to be stoned. The punishment for making false accusations and slanders is to inflict the same blows. The Shariah punishment for theft is hand-wringing. The penalty for alcoholism is 40 lashes or 40 or 80 lashes. Muharrabat means killing, hanging, deportation or amputation of hands and feet in the opposite direction for causing mischief in the land and the punishment for apostasy is murder. This will eradicate crime and disobedience and will save the life, property, honor and dignity of everyone. Love, compassion and brotherhood grow among each other. As a result, the earth spews out its treasures. And the rain of mercy falls from the sky. Hudud should not be recommended. Personal and spatial determination should be taken into consideration for the removal of Hudud. Doubts should be taken into consideration.


Ibne Mānzoor, Afrīqi, Lisān al Arab, (Beīrūt Dār Sādīr, 1414 AH), 3:140

Al-Zabīdī, Muḥammād bin Muḥammād, Tāj al-ʿArūs, (Beīrūt: Dār Al-Fikr,1990 AH), 8:6

Ibne Mānzoor, Lisān al Arab, 3:140













Al- Šaukānī, Muḥammād bin ʻAlī, Nail al-auṭār, (Miṣr: Dār Al Ḥadith, 1413AH),7:103

Al-Sarkhasī, Muḥammād bin Ahmād, Al-Mabsūt(Beīrūt :Dār Al Mārifah, 1993AH),9:36

Al Jazīrī, ʿAbdur Raḥmān, Kitāb al-fiqh ʿalā al-maz̤āhib al-arbaʹah, (Beīrūt: Dār Al-Fikr,1990 AH),5:7


Abū Dā’ūd Sulaīmān Bin Al-Ashʿath,Sunan Abū Da’ūd(Beīrūt: Dār al-Risālah al-ʿĀlamiyyah,2009), Ḥadīth # 4415

Al-Nūr: 4

Al-Māida: 38

Al-Māida: 90

Al-Māida: 33


Al-Nūr: 2

Sayyed Sābiq, Fiqh Al-Sunnah (Lāhore: Maktaba Islāmia, 2015),2: 283-284

Abū `Abdullah, Muḥammād bin Yazīd, Ibn e Mājaḥ, Al-Sunan(Beīrūt: Dār al-Risālah al-`Alamiyyah, 2009), Ḥadīth # 2540

Ibn e Mājaḥ, Al-Sunan, Ḥadīth # 2537

Abū Dā’ūd, Sunan Abū Da’ūd, Ḥadīth # 3597

Al-Marāghī , Aḥmād Mustāfa, Tafsīr al-Marāghi, (Beīrūt: Dār Al-Fikr, 2015AH),1:21

Abū Dā’ūd, Sunan Abū Da’ūd, Ḥadīth # 4376

Al-Nasa'ī, Aḥmād bin Shuʿaib, Sunan Nasa'ī (Beīrūt: Dār Al-Fikr,1998 AH), Ḥadīth # 4883

Ibn e Mājaḥ, Al-Sunan, Ḥadīth # 2547

Al-Tirmidhī, Abū ʿĪsā Muḥammād, Sunan Tirmidhī,(Beīrūt :Dār Al Mārifah, 1991AH), Ḥadīth # 1439

Muḥammād Taqi Amīni, Ehkām e sharia ma Halāt-o-Zamāna Ki Reayāt,( Lāhore: Sagir Academī, 1982),75

Ibn e Mājaḥ, Al-Sunan, Ḥadīth # 2545

Al-Tirmidhī, Sunan Tirmidhī, Ḥadīth # 1424

Dārūazāh, Muḥammād Azza, (Beīrūt: Al Dastūr al Qurānī, 1996),222

Sayyed Sābiq, Fiqh Al-Sunnah,2: 287-286

Al-Bayhaqī, Abū Bakr Aḥmād bin Ḥusayn As-Sunan al-Kubra, (Beīrūt: Dār al-Risālah al-`Alamiyyah, 1992AH), Ḥadīth # 7/394

Abū Dā’ūd, Sunan Abū Da’ūd, Ḥadīth # 4472

Abū Dā’ūd, Sunan Abū Da’ūd, Ḥadīth # 4473

Sayyed Sābiq, Fiqh Al-Sunnah,2:288

An-Nisa: 135

Abū Dā’ūd, Sunan Abū Da’ūd, Ḥadīth # 398

Al-Nūr: 13

Muḥammād bin Abī Shāybā,Al-Musannāf Ibn Abī Shāybā,( Al-Fārūq al Ḥadīthiah, 2008),11: 33746

Abū Dā’ūd, Sunan Abū Da’ūd, Ḥadīth # 4490



How to Cite

Hafiz Asif Ismail, and Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan. 2021. “اسلامی حدود: دائرۂ عمل اور منہجِ تنفیذ : Islamic Capital Punishments: Scope and Implementation Procedure”. Al-Qamar 4 (3):111-26. https://doi.org/10.53762/alqamar.0.403.u09.