امیت رسولﷺ اور مستشرقین:منٹگمری واٹ اور رابرٹ اسپنسر کے افکار کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Orientalists on Prophet Muhammad’s Illiteracy: A Study of Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer’s views
Watt, Spencer, Muhammad, Orientalists, "Ummī"Abstract
Holy Qur'an has been a topic of interest to many circles, including the Muslim and Western scholars. Many of the themes promoted by the Orientalists are generally related to the authenticity of the Qur'an. William Montgomery Watt and Robert Spencer are included in the circle of those western writers who have written down the commentary of the Quran with specific purpose. While interpreting the verses, they have mistranslated the term “Ummī” and have offered different views on the meaning of "Ummī" which is used in the Qur’an as an attribute of the Prophet (PBUH). This word shows the miraculous signs of the heavenly Book descended upon the Prophet and the rightfulness of his mission but the aim of both the scholars is to prove false the claim of the miraculous style of the Qur’an. In this paper, an effort has been made to examine the arguments of both western scholar and deduce the actual position in this matter. In this research written with a descriptive and analytical approach, it is proved that according to Quran, sciences of Tafsir, Hadith literature, history and logic, Prophet Muhammad was illiterate since his birth until his death and did not know how to read or write.
ʻAbdul Wahāb jān al āzharī , Umiyate Rasool awr Mustashraqeen, Al Baseraa 1,no.2(2012):34.
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Dr. William Montgomery Watt is a famous Scottish Orientalist and Islamic Scholar. He was born in 1909. He got his higher education from Edinburgh and Oxford Universities. The last Orientalist died in 2006. He wrote many books and articles on Islam, Quran and life of the Prophet Muhammad. He also wrote a commentary of the Quran “Companion to the Quran” along with his other books on the Quran.
Robert Spencer is an American anti-Islamic writer. He was born in 1962 and has a background in Catholic Christianity. He got his Master Degree from University of Chapal Hill. He is a Director of the website Jihad Watch. He has published more than twenty books on Islam, Quran and other themes. His two books have been the New York Times best seller books. He also wrote a Quran commentary, “Blogging the Quran”. His has planned to publish his new Quran commentary, “The Critical Quran: The key Islamic commentary and Contemporary Historical Research” in November 2021
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